domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

El relieve terrestre de las Islas Baleares
Se trata de un archipiélago en el mar Mediterráneo se compone de Mallorca, Ibiza, Formentera y Menorca, y unos 144 islotes más pequeños.

Alivio de la tierra es una parte extendida del relieve de las montañas béticas ranges.The cordillera principal es Serra de Tramuntana de Mallorca, que es el más alto de la archiepelago.

Las costas Baleares son acantilados en el norte de Mallorca y Menorca, donde las montañas llegan al sea.In el resto de las islas, largas playas de arena alternan con pequeñas calas, creados por los torrentes.

el relieve terrestre de las Islas Canarias.

las Islas Canarias se encuentran en el Océano Atlántico, cerca del continente africano. El archipiélago se compone de siete islas principales.

el relieve del suelo es de origen volcánico, y está formado por la lava de las fracturas abiertas en el fondo del Océano Atlántico. 

en las costas, acantilados predominan, thoug también hay playas de arena, especialmente en las islas orientales.

miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

The Continental Waters

The rivers and their waersheds.
The river of the Peninsula are gruped into three watersheds, depending on the sea, or ocean they flow into.

The Cantabrian watershed:Is in the north, they flw across steeps terrain,descending rapidly down the montains near the Cantabrian Sea.

The Mediterranean watershed: Is in the east and south, except the Ebro, are short.In general, they do not carry munch wach water and they are very inrregular.In the mountains near the Mediterranean Sea.

The Atlantic watershed:Is in the west, are long and course over wide plains before flowing into the Atlantic Ocean.The most important include the Miño, the Duero,the Tagus, the Guadiana and the Guadalquivir.

We find short streams and torrents, in the Balearic and Canary Islands, which only carry water heavy rainfall.

Lakes,wetlands and aquifers.

Lakes:are small and not very deep the most important is lake Sanabria.

Wetlands:are areas of the land covered by shallow waer the most notable are in guadavalquir,the ebro delta and the lagoon in valencia.

Aquifers:predominate in the northen and southern subplateus and in the balearic islands and Canary islands.

Climate of Spain.

Spain is in the temparate area, but different climates due to the influence of:

- Latitude
Distance to the sea.

Types of climate and vegetation.

-the oceanic climated is located in the north and north-west of the peninsula. It is characterised by regular, abundant precipitation and by mild temperatures.

-The Mediterranean climate extends along the rest of the peninsula, the Balearic Islands. Precipitation is moderate and irregular, with summer droughts. the temperature not vary greatly.

--The mountain climate is in the mountain range of the peninsula above an altitude of 1,000 m. temperature is cold.

The Spanish territory.

For the firts, the surface are of spain is 505,990 KM2, making the 50th largest country in the world.
it covers mots of the peninsula.

The land relief forms on the Peninsula.
With the second highest average altitude of Europe.This is because much of the territory is occupied by a high central plateu.

Meseta Central:has an altitude of 600 to 700 meters is divided in two Northen sub-plateu and southern sub-plateu,its sorrounded  by the galician massif,cantabrian mountains,the iberian mountains and Sierra Morena.

The coastal land relief of the peninsula.
Has straight coastlines.

Cantabrian coasts:are relatvity straight,has some beaches and estuaries.Galicia has the most jagged coastline in Spain.

Atlantic coast of Andalusia:is low and sandy,it has marshes,bars and dunes or mounds produced by the wind.

Mediterranean coasts:are lined with cliffs where the mountains ranges reach the coast like the Baetic Mountains and the Catalan coastal range.

The Iberian Peninsula

The geographical uniquess of the Iberian Peninsula has recognised since ancient times.

This relief produces,for example,conditions which are not very favourable for agriculture, and influences population distribution, the transport infraestructure or the use of rivers as navigable waterways.